Black Cat Bash Knights Tournament Rules and Regulations
Aug 9, 2023
2 min read

All tournament combatants must be 18 years or above. The organisers hold no liability for personal injuries and / or damaged equipment that results from participation in the event.
You agree to uphold all safety standard and sportsmanship. You agree to abide by all instructions and decisions upheld by the Marshall.
Combat Rules
1: All combatants must be ready for muster at least 10 minutes before the Tournament Begins. Late arrivals will not be permitted to enter.
2: All combatants will pay the entrance fee of £2 made payable to the Marshall prior to entry of the Knights Tournament. All entrance fees will be awarded to the champion as a Queen's purse and the winner may receive other prizes that are on offer.
3: All combatants must have as a minimum, Helmet, Padded Gambeson and Gauntlets. Please be mindful of the level of protection your opponent has and adjust the power of your strikes accordingly.
4: Combatants may fight with the weapon of their choosing including Sword, Axe and Pole. Shields and Buckers are permitted for defence, points will not be scored for striking with the Shield or Buckler. A combatant may choose their weapon at the beginning of each round. A weapon may only be replaced during the fight if the weapon is damaged or deemed unsafe to continue. All weapons must be inspected by the Marshall prior to combat.
5: The combatant pairing will be at random or at the Marshall choosing with the winner progressing to the next round.
6: The winner of the round is the first combatant to score the stipulated number of strikes to their opponent. Strikes to the head, beneath the knee and hands do not score. Points will be awarded as follows:
A: Swords must strike with the edge of the blade, thrusting is not permitted.
B: Axes must strike with the bladed edge.
C: Pole Weapons
i: Pole Weapons with a bladed edge will score from a strike with the bladed edge
ii: Spears and other thrusting weapons will score from a thrust with the point.
iii: Pole Weapons with both thrusting point and a blade will score from a strike with the blade or a thrust with the point.
Should combatants strike each other at the same time the Marshall will use the rule of "right of way", awarding the point to the combatant that began their attack first.
7: Excessive use of force or the use of grappling, charging and headshots will result in a warning from the martial. Multiple warnings will result in dismissal from the field and forfeit of entrance fee. If the Martial seems any behaviour or fighting style to be unsafe the combatant may be disqualified with no prior warnings.
8: Marshall rulings are final. Any issues, grievances or concerns must be taken up directly with the Marshall after the event has concluded not during.
9: In the event of dismissal no refunds will be given.