Black Cat Bash Traders Warning Orders
Aug 9, 2023
4 min read

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye,
Swindon's own Medieval Festival and Market is nearly here. Battle For Black Cat Medieval Festival and Market is about to begin.
I hope you are as excited as we are to be taking part in what we hope is the best year yet.
We are truly proud that you have joined our trading team and we hope that you leave us with your purses full of silver and a smile from enjoying a great weekend.
Please read the following warning orders to help make your weekend a success.

Setting up Stalls
Stalls have been divided into modern and historical trade sections. The red circle section is for modern traders, if you are selling modern items or you have a gazebo/ stall you will be in this section. When you arrive you will be directed to your pitch and where to set up. Historical Traders will be directed to the red square. Please set up in the appropriate section with minimal space between your stall and your stall neighbour.
If you are unsure what section you need to set up in please speak to one of our team.
It is the responsibility of the trader to ensure that the sale of items restricted by age by law is upheld by the individual trader.
Food and Drink
Food and drinks traders, please set up in the dark orange section. When you arrive you will be directed to your pitch and where to set up.
Please can we request that food waste and general waste is kept sperate and where possible waste is disposed of appropriately and recycled where possible.
It is the responsibility of the trader to ensure that the sale of items restricted by age by law is upheld by the individual trader.
Arrivals and Departures
The site is open for traders and re-enactors to arrive from 1pm on the Friday. A member of the team will be on site to direct you and provide any information you require.
Please arrive through the Black Cat Archery entrance gate and not the public parking entrance as this does not have vehicle access to the event field.
If you are arriving on either the Saturday or Sunday morning we enforce a strict no vehicle movement policy between the hours of 9:30am until 5pm.
When departing please do not pack down your stall until 4pm and be mindful that members of the public may still be on site until 5pm so please take care when taking down shelters, gazebo's and tents.
There is to be no vehicle movement on the field until 5pm (unless in the event of an emergency).
Water stations and toilets are strategically located around the event field as well as in the designated camping area. All water stations are drinking water safe.
Rubbish and waste
Please can we ask that any rubbish or waste your stall produces is taken away by you.
We have a small skip on site that is for public visitors waist only. We appreciate your support with managing your own waist removal.
A modern camping area has been set up for traders and re-enactors if required.
No open fires are permitted within the modern camping area at any time.
This area is accessible for Tents, Caravans and Motor Homes.
Please ensure that your camp is set up within the marked areas. For Fire, Access and Health & Safety reasons please do not exceed the stated boundaries that will be marked out on the ground. If for some reason you need additional space please speak to one of our team.
Any camp that is blocking an access path may be asked to relocate.
Please be courteous towards your fellow campers.
Day parking and overnight parking is available in the assigned parking area.
We ask that you do not park vans or cars behind your stall on the field unless it is critical to your stall or products.
Where possible please park in the designated parking area.
Outside of show times the event will be off limits to the public. It is however the responsibility of the individual traders to ensure the safety and security of their stock and stall. If possible at night we would recommend locking items away in cars or vans where possible.
Neither the event or the event team takes any responsibility for lost, damaged or theft the could occur.
Children and Animals
During the event and after show times there dangers and risks as well as horses and dangerous equipment. Please ensure that children are supervised at all times and Dogs remain on a leash at all times.
Safeguarding & Issues
In the unlikely event of any issues or concerns regarding members of the public, other traders, re-enactors or any other persons please bring this to the attention of the site staff. We will address any issues directly with impacted parties and resolve issues as quickly as possible.
If there are any safeguarding issues or concerns regarding any children under the age of 18 or vulnerable adults please bring this to the attention of our staff as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the event of serious action needing to be taken this may result in removal from site and being asked not to return or involvement from the police if required.
We look forward to seeing you soon and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us or any problems or questions on the day please speak to either:
John Mackney
Chris Fox
Chris Berry
Many thanks
BCB Team